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Strawberry Letter Pregnant By Son In Law

Strawberry Letter Pregnant By Son In Law

Dear Steve and Shirley,

I am writing to you because I am in a situation that I never thought I would be in, and I need your advice. I am a woman in my early sixties and I have been married to my husband for over 30 years. We have two children together, a son and a daughter, both of whom are married with children of their own.

My son got married about five years ago to a woman who has been a part of our family ever since. She is a wonderful person and we all get along great. However, about six months ago, my son and his wife started having some marital problems. They were arguing a lot and it seemed like they were on the verge of getting a divorce.

Unexpected News

Unexpected News

One day, my son came over to our house and told us some unexpected news. He said that he and his wife had decided to separate and that they were getting a divorce. We were all shocked and saddened by this news, but we tried to be supportive and help him through it.

However, a few weeks after this conversation, I received some even more unexpected news. My son's wife came over to my house and told me that she was pregnant. At first, I was happy for her and excited to be a grandmother again, but then she dropped another bombshell.

The Unthinkable

The Unthinkable

She told me that the baby was not my son's, but was actually fathered by my husband, her father-in-law. I was absolutely stunned and could not believe what I was hearing. I asked her how this could happen and she told me that my husband had gotten drunk at a family gathering and had taken advantage of her.

I was devastated by this news and did not know what to do. I confronted my husband about it and he initially denied it, but then eventually admitted that it was true. He said that he was ashamed and did not know how to tell me.

The Aftermath

The Aftermath

Since then, my life has been turned upside down. My son and his wife are still getting a divorce, but now there is this additional complication. My daughter-in-law has decided to keep the baby and raise it as her own, but she has cut off all contact with my husband and me.

Our family is in shambles and I am filled with guilt and shame over what has happened. I do not know how to make things right and I am afraid that this will tear our family apart forever. I am writing to you because I need your advice on how to deal with this situation and how to move forward.


Thank you for reading my letter and I hope that you can offer me some guidance. I know that this is a difficult and sensitive subject, but I trust in your wisdom and experience. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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