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Purpose Of Salt In Strawberry Dna Extraction

The Purpose Of Salt In Strawberry Dna Extraction

Have you ever wondered how scientists extract DNA from fruits and vegetables? Well, one of the most common methods of DNA extraction is using strawberries. Yes, you read that right, strawberries! In fact, it is a common experiment in high school science classes. However, you may be wondering what role salt plays in the extraction process. In this article, we will explore the purpose of salt in strawberry DNA extraction.

What is DNA Extraction?

What Is Dna Extraction?

DNA extraction is the process of isolating DNA from cells. In the case of strawberries, the process involves breaking down the cell walls to release the DNA from the nucleus. Once the DNA is released, it can be purified and used for various experiments and applications.

There are several methods of DNA extraction, but the most common method used for strawberries is the salt extraction method. This method is simple, inexpensive, and can be done with household items.

The Salt Extraction Method

The Salt Extraction Method

The salt extraction method involves the use of salt and dish soap to break down the cell wall of the strawberry and release the DNA. The dish soap helps to break down the fat in the cell membrane, while the salt helps to clump the DNA together.

Here are the steps for the salt extraction method:

  1. Remove the green stem from the strawberry and chop it into small pieces.
  2. Add 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of dish soap to the chopped strawberry.
  3. Mix the solution gently, being careful not to create too much foam.
  4. Add cold water to the solution until it reaches 50 ml.
  5. Filter the solution through a cheesecloth or coffee filter to remove the solid pieces of strawberry.
  6. Add 1/4 teaspoon of meat tenderizer to the filtered solution and mix gently.
  7. Add cold rubbing alcohol to the solution until it reaches 30 ml.
  8. Let the solution sit for a few minutes until the DNA begins to clump together.
  9. Use a toothpick or a wooden stick to carefully remove the DNA from the solution.

You should now have a visible clump of DNA that you can examine and experiment with.

The Purpose of Salt in DNA Extraction

The Purpose Of Salt In Dna Extraction

The salt in the extraction solution plays an important role in the DNA extraction process. The salt helps to neutralize the charge on the DNA molecules, which makes them less hydrophilic (water-loving) and more hydrophobic (water-fearing).

When the salt is added to the solution, it causes the DNA molecules to clump together into a visible mass. This is because the hydrophobic DNA molecules are attracted to each other and are repelled by the water molecules in the solution.

The salt concentration in the solution is important for the DNA extraction process. Too little salt will not cause the DNA to clump together, while too much salt will cause the DNA to dissolve in the solution.



In conclusion, salt plays an important role in the DNA extraction process. It helps to neutralize the charge on the DNA molecules and causes them to clump together, making it easier to isolate and extract the DNA. The salt extraction method is a simple and inexpensive way to extract DNA from strawberries and can be done with household items.

So, the next time you eat a strawberry, remember that it contains DNA that can be extracted with salt and dish soap!

Related video of The Purpose Of Salt in Strawberry DNA Extraction